Wednesday, 21 September 2016


Hello! I dropped off the face of the earth again because I caught ANOTHER plague/disease or maybe it was just a really bad sinus infection that turned bronchitis. WHO KNOWS! That's 2 sicknesses back2back as a double feature. How crappy. I'm finally feeling alive again and able to sit up long enough to stitch for a bit each day.

Yesterday I finished 2 projects. They're small, and they are finished.

Blue Owl, woo! or I mean Hoo! I left out the stars, because the other owl I did does not have things surrounding it.
Mill Hill beaded Cat in a Box kit! I still need to trim it up a bit more, but for now it is DONE. For such a small stitch, it sure was fiddly to work on! I have one more beaded kit to do for my Australian friend. I can't post it til later, since I want it to be a surprise.

After complaining about price of things, I ordered more. Glendon Place seems to have my attention lately and I ordered Royal Poinsettias and most the stuff to make it, and Fudgy Mint Mousse with all the stuff to make it.

And damnit, Nora Corbett! She came out with two new pixies and I ended up ordering one of them. I really liked them both, but I do have to pace myself as my backlog of pixies is getting out of hand and frankly, embarrassing.
LOOK AT IT. LOOK. How could I resist?

I did something today that has me feeling better than I have in ages. I'm going to be a bit cryptic because well, I just am. I had to get advice, had to think about it, and then had to do it. I closed a chapter on my life and will always remember the good. :)

Anyway, now that I'm done blue owl, I have a couple choices to make as my to-go project. I can either continue on with The Last Unicorn, orrr I can start some of the Christmas ornaments I have kicking around. I have a few to do.. they're basically for my own tree, so not THAT important, but still would like to deck the halls a bit with some stitching on the tree!

Well that's about it for now. I hope everyone is doing okay and getting a lot of stitching done!

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