Monday, 29 August 2016


The slowest Stitcher is back today with an update!

I don't have a lot to show for Blossom Collector. I finished her skirt and am working down her legs and to the boots, then I'll move upwards and onwards!

Blue owl is slowly getting get there as well.

My client that I work on the owl with was excited when I got the eyes in. At least now it's starting to look like something and not just a blob.

Of course, the World Of Warcraft expansion drops tonight at midnight. I'll be playing that with friends for who knows how long! I'll try to keep stitching as well, but we all know how bad I am at doing two things at once. :D

Saturday, 20 August 2016


So I caught a plague that's been going around. Now I'm off work for like 5 days :( I like time off, but not when I'm sick!!!! And because it's super contagious, the doctor doesn't want me near my elderly clients until I'm sure I'm better!

Gives me time to stitch between naps and ginger ale infusions, so I come to you with a WIP picture of my Blossom Collector!

 Look at all the sparkles! I love it.

Also, that pattern and stuff I bought the other day arrived. Only took 6 days from 123 Stitch, which is a world record since it has to get through Customs! It's called Christmas Flower by Whispered by the Wind and that's all the stuff to make it. PtP 28 Cashel Valor is the material.
Still waiting on the order from Stitching Bits and Bobs for Glendon Place's Plum Pudding, but I am not in a rush for that (nor is my credit card!)

I duno if it's just me, but this hobby is getting kind of expensive when you use the hand dyed everything. The two projects I bought this year have cost me 200 Canadian dollars.

Speaking of expensive. WHATS UP WITH PETS. I took Emma to the vet the other day for her yearly vaccinations and flea treatment for 4 cats and her for 3 months, AND she ended up getting blood work done so she can be cleared for teeth cleaning. She's considered elderly now (68 in human years!) and my vet is cautious about putting pets under at her age. all that? almost 600 dollars! I still need another four to five hundred for the teeth cleaning! It's a good thing I love her so much!

It's a tough life, you see. Air conditioned room, food a plenty. I don't know how she stands it!

Anyway I have to go for another nap. Then some more stitching!

Saturday, 13 August 2016

Yeah, I did it.

Since I finished something, I went ahead and bought yet another pattern and the stuff to kit is because I'm totally a fast stitcher and I've earned new stash, because I finished something, right? That's how that works?

Even after I told myself I wouldn't spend any more money on Stash and work with what I have. At least I resisted the PtP sale this year! I almost did put in an order but when I went through the site, all the colours I chose were colours I had previously bought. So yay for me? Also I swear they get compromised every year with their credit card orders because the two years I put in an order, my card details were stolen. Other people mentioned that happening as well.

Oh, that last post with the floss toss was for some help I was getting with picking the fabric. I went with the second picture after having some help with the ladies on the 123stitch board. And when I say ladies I mean 2 people gave their opinion when I listed what fabric I had on hand, and one of them had a look at the floss toss and gave me her opinion. We decided on Crystal Heroic. It's a very nice choice and I'm waiting until she's not a blob of pink to start taking progress pictures.

I was lamenting the other day on Facebook that I can't for the life of me, juggle my two hobbies at the same time. I'm a stitcher, and I'm a gamer. What I need is 4 arms. So while I'm stitching, no gaming is getting done. Thankfully I can watch people stream their games, so it feels like I'm still gaming!

Anyway it's time to make some tea and get with the stitching for today. :) Hopefully some progress pictures soon!

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Floss Toss for the next project.


about damn time. :)

Gardenia WIP

Finally am getting to the beading part, and can I tell you how much I love the Tacky Bob? So much love. No more beads flying all over the place! Except when I am opening the bead package to put said beads on to the Tacky bob. But once they get there and off my clothes, they stay there!

I am going to try and get her done today. That's why I'm updating my blog and drinking tea right now at the computer and not working on her. I never claimed to make any sense!

My work made me incredibly angry the other night, and I came home fuming and ordered Glendon Place's Plum Pudding chart and all the fixins to make myself feel better. Probably not the smartest move, it's going to cost me over 100 for the chart, fiber pack, beads, and fabric.

Thankfully I'm not having buyers remorse because the pattern is so damn pretty. I can't wait to get my grubby hands all over it.

Anyway my tea cup is now empty and I should get back to beading!

Sunday, 7 August 2016

"I think I'm going to update without pictures"

That's what I said to my friend as I was musing about updating my blog. Then I realized I needed to take pictures, and that felt like too much work.

But I have been stitching! I stitch a couple days a week with one of my clients. We sit outside his house and I stitch while he enjoys the nice weather we've been having lately. I keep the outside stitching to smalls as they're easier to carry around and don't take a lot of thinking. At least the patterns I do! Anyway, I'm doing a pattern by Cherry Hill Stitchery which is The Blue Owl on a Branch. I did the Pink Owl on a Branch ages ago.

At home I am still working on Gardenia Fairy, and I finally finished all her skin, now on to the hair, a bit more on her dress, and then all the beading and backstitching! Finish line is close!


Anyway, that is all for now. I will hopefully get some pictures soon!

Monday, 1 August 2016

Hot off the hoop

The one thing I love about stitching is that there is usually a pattern for how you're feeling. I released my frustrations with the cat by stitching up this pattern

turns out the pheromones weren't as effective as I had hoped. So now I am trying a few other things, like buying things to enrich the environment more and weird feeding things that you put food and treats in that make the cat work for it. I love that stupid cat face but he's slowly going to end up on Prozac or something if I can't get his mental health fixed.

it does feel good to be stitching again! :)